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Wow, what a time to be alive.
How are you showing up for yourself in these uneasy times?
Rituals that help you nourish your mind, body and spirit are now more important than ever.
I’m sharing what’s going on in my internal and external world in this episode – including a mindset that has shifted my perspective on this time of many unknowns.
In this post, I’m curating a list of resources that can support you in cultivating nourishing routines in challenging times.
I’ve found these resources super helpful and hope they serve you well!
This time of self-isolation is an incubator that’s calling us to upgrade our routines, rituals, self-care and our consciousness.
May these resources support you in feeling a little more ease in your heart, presence in your body, and clarity in your mind.
- Yoga with Adriene – some of my favorite practices are Movement Medicine, Wake Up Yoga
- Kukuwa Dance Workout
- No equipment Barre Belle workout by Marnie Alton
- If you have a rebounder, these are my go-to rebounder workouts: Tiffani Robbins, Lisa Raleigh
- Have you been wanting to get into weights or resistance band training? I do X3 workout every day and it’s the most fast (10 minutes) and effective workout with the minimal equipment I’ve ever done. Once you get into the groove of it, it’s very simple and extremely effective. I feel more fit than I’ve ever felt.
Live Workouts:
- @tarastiles on IG LIVE daily at 8am EST
- The Class digital studio (You may recognize The Class teachers and friends of Breakfast Criminals friends Jaycee Gossett and Natalie Kuhn)
- Insight Timer App (free): My top meditations are “Morning Ritual” by Jason McGrice, “Morning Meditation with Music” by Jonathan Lehmann, “Love Wave Meditation” by Steve Gold, “Vedic Meditation Practice” by Charlie Knoles.
- Headspace App (use code BREAKFASTCRIMINALS) – now free for US public health care professionals
- If you practice cacao ritual, try my grounding cacao meditation.
- Tara Brach’s live streams on Facebook
- Guided 4-7-8 breathing on YouTube– also available in audio format on this podcast episode.
- Wim Hof – I do this breathing technique every morning (you can also get the free app to do more rounds).
- The powerfully centering Kirtan Kriya (Sa Ta Na Ma Meditation) + explanation and research from an M.D.
Emotional Health
“What’s actually going on for you right now? What is really coming up? Begin to unravel the fears, the untruths, the stories, and start your own individual process of coming back to what is Real.” – @ariasaleja
“Be kind to yourself. Don’t judge the places your heart and mind go. let your coping be messy and iterative. Reach out – they likely need it as much as you do. Remember this is temporary. Expect a season of discomfort. We’re all in this together.” – @meganjbruneau
Spiritual Health
I absolutely love Russel Brand’s (@russelbrand) take on the situation we’re in and the invitation to wake up.
- Free IGTV writing workshops with Rupi Kaur
- Skillshare has a fantastic selection of online classes on every topic, including “Hashtag Mindful” conscious social media workshop by yours truly
Some of my all-time favorite podcast episodes
- Joe Rogan #1385: Paul Stamets
- Rich Roll: The Power Of Ceremony and Ritual with Julie Piatt
- Hay House Live: Joe Dispenza – Becoming Supernatural
- The Tim Ferriss Show: Seth Godin
- The Tim Ferriss Show: Aubrey Marcus
- Bulletproof Radio: How To Biohack and Optimize Your Inner Life – Rajshree Patel
- Ksenia Brief Podcast interview with Dr. Andrew Weil
- Joe Dispenza – Becoming Supernatural
- Alberto Villoldo – Grow a New Body: How Spirit and Power Plant Nutrients Can Transform Your Health
- CLEAN 7: Supercharge the Body’s Natural Ability to Heal Itself (if you decide to try the CLEAN7 cleanse, use code KSENIA7 for 25% off)
- Tara Brach – Radical Acceptance
Friend of Breakfast Criminals, nutritionist Samantha Lodge has put together a very handy free “Guide to Quarantine Nutrition: Eating Well With What You Have”.
- Out of chocolate? Make your own dark chocolate, if you have access to the ingredients. It’s so easy! Here’s another favorite superfood dark chocolate recipe.
- Out of delicious snacks? Make our current favorite, “cockroaches” with dates and pistachios.
- Out of nut/seed milk? Make your own hemp milk by blending a cup of hemp seeds with 4 cups water, or cashew milk by blending 1 cup of raw cashews with 4 cups of filtered water, a pinch of sea salt, and 2 dates (or another sweetener). Get more nut milk recipes and learn how to make oatly-style oat milk.
- Learn how to make matcha properly, why it’s good for you, and how to make your tea ritual special in this matcha post I did with Dr. Weil.
- Want to batch your breakfast? Learn how to make paleo pumpkin pie porridge and bircher muesli for the whole family!
- Love the idea of healthy homemade tacos? Check out these breakfast all day grain-free tacos and customize them based on what you have in your pantry and fridge. Get more savory dish ideas on #breakfastcriminalsgoessavory.
For more recipes, check out the Breakfast Criminals eBook.
To find out how I’ve altered my mindset, morning rituals, digital wellness and business to stay calm during the pandemic, listen to this episode.
Are there other accounts, people and offerings that you’ve found tremendously valuable during this unpredictable time?
Please share them in comments to this post so that everyone who’s drawn into this space can have access to the best resources.
Take good care. <3
p.s. to help us end the toilet paper apocalypse, try a bidet attachment (we have a Tushy at our main house, but it’s currently sold out so we’re giving this one a try) .