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Zappos in partnership with The North Face sponsored this post. And no, it doesn’t mean that this blog post is going to be all about the TNF outdoor gear (it’s incredible) and Zappos’ customer service (I can tell you from years of being a customer that it’s like no other).
Instead, I’m going to share with you a few very personal things about finding my true north, and maybe – just maybe – inspire you to connect a little bit more to yours. Because being active and exploring the world around us is even more powerful when we start with exploring ourselves.
“Finding true north is essential for accurate navigation. Hence the metaphor. In life’s journey we are often uncertain where we stand, where we are going and what is the right path for us personally. Knowing our true north would enable us to follow the right path.”
– Merriam-Webster Dictionary
What do you really, really want in life?
I’ve been asking myself this question for the last few months. Last year, I spent eight months traveling the world, adventuring from Brazilian jungle to Bali rainforests. After I got tired of packing and unpacking, I found a home – my dream home – in New York City. Less than a month later, I met my boyfriend, and now we live together in a new apartment that I didn’t know was possible.
All aspects of my business are growing, my personal relationships feel supportive, and I’m taking good care of my health.
Wearing head-to-toe The North Face: Beyond The Wall Free Motion Bra, Indigo Crop Pants, Endurus Hike GTX (my first hiking shoes ever – they’re amazing!)
This is where this post gets very real.
A few weeks ago, I found myself feeling more stressed than ever. I felt my heart beating fast, and my brain spinning even faster.
Usually, acupuncture is my salvation to stress and anxiety, but this time it was different. I was ready to address the deeper issue. I couldn’t go on with experiencing THIS much stress in my life.
I sat with it. And there it was. Fear. Fear of disappointing people. Not getting everything on my to-do list done.
And then it hit me: my to-do list will never be complete. As long as I’m committed to growth and moving forward… it will just keep growing.
Within days of becoming aware of this, I was feeling spacious ease. The kind of ease that lays the foundation for presence, patience and unconditional joy. The outward circumstances hadn’t changed, but something inside did. Looking back, what I found is that I was actively practicing these 7 things.
7 Things I Did To Replace Stress With Ease
1. Get real with yourself
Really pause and ask yourself, what’s the most important thing for you right now? Is it killing it a work project? Organizing your house to make it feel like home? Mentoring and helping others feel empowered? Whatever it is, get clear. If it’s helpful to write things down, get your journal out.
2. Try something new
Whatever you’ve been doing up to this moment, has given you the life you have right now. Every single thought and action is part of the constellation that has made up the YOU today. If you are looking for a different result… you’ve got to take a different action. Whether it’s reading a new book (I’m currently obsessed with Wishes Fulfilled by Wayne Dyer and Cathedral Of The Wild by Boyd Varty), talking to a new person, or just being aware of your existing thoughts and beliefs – those are all steps towards new adventures.
Start small by taking a new street, going to a different coffee shop, trying a new fitness class, or checking out your neighborhood park. I live one mile away from Prospect Park in Brooklyn, and I just visited it for the first time in 7 months! Take that new step and stay open to surprises – because they’re always there in the unknown.
3. Get focused
Now that you’re clear on what’s important, what’s one action you can take today towards it? Make that a priority. It may take waking up earlier or shifting some things around. But if you spend a whole day and don’t do at least one thing that connects you to your true north, what’s the point?
4. Say no
This is a big one. You know those times when your heart is clearly saying no, but your mind talks you into saying yes? Yup. Life’s too short. And unless you set boundaries, your time will never belong to you. Would you rather say no to yourself and your purpose, or to someone else at the risk of disappointing them? Don’t forget, a “no” can be respectful and loving.
5. Be with what is
As humans, we tend to make up stories. Sometimes, they are true, and sometimes, they couldn’t be further from reality, and just feed into self-deprecating thoughts we have about ourselves and our lives. Way out of this trap? Being with what is. Being with facts. Being with truth. And being present for life that’s unfolding in front of us. Taking it step by step.
6. Establish a self-care practice
Whether it’s 3 minutes of meditation, making yourself a breakfast, journaling, taking a weekly bath or anything else that makes you feel connected to your body and your human experience – it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you do it. I’ve been doing my miracle morning routine for over 45 days now, and the positive shifts in my clarity and mood have been life-changing.
7. Offer support
When I have a lot on my plate, my natural tendency is to shut down as much communication as possible. I feel overwhelmed by every little request to do something for someone else. And it makes me feel disconnected and disempowered.
I recently tried something new (to point 2!) and decided that no matter how busy I am, I will always find time to help someone else. And in being present for others, I found a whole new level of being present for myself. I don’t have to think or do anything – all it takes is showing up, being present, and truly listening. If we gave ourselves and others this kind of presence every day, our lives would be transformed in an instant.
I hope these ideas guide you to connecting to your own true north. Sometimes to get there, we first need to go through the north face – the coldest side of the mountain. Don’t let that stop you. Don’t let anything stop you. Never stop exploring!
How do you deal with stress? Would love to hear about your favorite solutions and lifestyle tips in comments.